Students work with a faculty member on a robotics project

Join the robotics and autonomous systems faculty

How to become a graduate program faculty member for robotics and autonomous systems

The graduate program faculty are faculty members of ASU who are approved to be listed as a chair or co-chair for graduate students. Every program has its own graduate program faculty, and it is possible to be part of the graduate program faculty for multiple programs.

Apply to be part of the RAS MS faculty

Step 1: Apply

To apply for the robotics and autonomous systems graduate program faculty, download and complete the application form.

Step 2: Send in your application and CV

When complete, send the application form and your CV to Sangram Redkar ([email protected]), the RAS graduate program chair.

Step 3: Get approved

Once approved, your name will appear on the list of robotics and autonomous systems graduate faculty members who may serve as chair or co-chair for graduate students. Students and applicants can search that page to identify approved faculty members, and they might contact you with research proposals.